Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Daycare - Day 2 - The Snack Dilema

Today is W's second day in daycare.  Yesterday he did excellent until I went to play with him at lunch time.  Then he freaked out.  Then last night he woke up at 3am and was inconsolable until I moved him into bed with me.  I'm sure it didn't help that we had no 'together' time since I didn't see him until 7:30 when I picked him up from my friend's house. Then as soon as we got home it was bedtime.

When I dropped W off today he FREAKED out.  He was screaming and had these big tears in his eyes. I felt awful.  I wanted to run over and pick him up and hug him, but I knew that would just be delaying the inevitable. 

One of the things I'm finding tough with our daycare is that the snacks they provide.  They are prepackaged  processed crap like cheeseballs.  ICK!  Another issues we have is W eats breakfast at about 7:45am and snack time is between 8:30 and 8:45am so I need to pack something that is not too heavy but will help hold him over until lunch at 11:30.  His afternoon snack is between 3 and 3:30 so I need to pack something heavier or else he is ravenous when I pick him up. Here's a list of the foods I have come up  with:

Morning Snacks:
Green / Red Peppers
Cherry Tomatoes

Afternoon Snacks (I choose two of the following)
String Cheese
Organic Animal Cookies
Homemade Oatmeal Cookies
Wholewheat Goldfish
Chick Peas
Dried Fruit

And because every post is better with a picture, here are a few pictures what he takes to daycare:
AM Snack

Mesquite Steak
Cheesy Quinoa Broccoli Bite
Red Peppers

PM Snack
String Cheese

Just to make it easy on everyone I labeled everything with a dry erase marker.


  1. I love the dry erase markers. I would really appreciate that as a caretaker.

    1. Thanks! I love them too. It makes life so much easier.

  2. Love your organized snacks for your little! Over from the hop and now following! Have a great weekend!

  3. I found your blog through The Pink Momma, Fun Friday Blog Hop. I love your blog!
    New follower here. I give you the link to my blog, if you like my projects, I invite you to follow me.
    Marisa from

  4. Hi! I found your blog thru Bloggy Moms and am now following :)

    I never thought about edamame as a snack, but I'm sure my son would love it!


  5. Hey there! I just found you on the 1000+ Followers group at Bloggy Moms! I am very excited about following you. I'm going to be a SAHM (my baby is due in May) so it'll be fun to read your blog from another perspective! :) Love the labels and organization here! ;)

    Hope you stop by!

  6. I have been thinking about this with my kids' daycare/preschool. I LOVE where my kids go, and the teachers there. We are required to provide breakfast and lunch, but I am not sure what their snacks are. I will be asking tonight when I pick them up! Thank you!

    P.S. I am a huge fan of tupperware and i just bought a new snapware kind from Costco that allows you to write (in a designated area) in permanenet marker and wipe it off with a cloth. LOVE!
