Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Top 5 Disney World Tips from Kendra Thornton

Hello everyone! Last week I was contacted by Kendra Thornton (former director of communications for Orbitz, travel expert and mother of three). You may recognize Kendra from one of her many tv appearances on Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC, or the CW. Kendra has traveled the world and has been the go to source for all things travel. Without further ado, here is Kendra's Post!

Top Five Disney World Tips 
“Ways for Mommies to Maneuver the Parks with Breeze this Spring Break”

While a trip to Walt Disney World Resort will certainly be a highlight of your young child’s life, preparation is key to helping parents enjoy the experience as well. Use some of these insider’s hints to make the most of your Disney World vacation:

 1. Breakfast with a favorite Disney character will delight your children. Arrange to have Cinderella or one of her princess friends greet your child while dining at the Royal Table restaurant in Fantasyland at the Magic Kingdom. To ensure this surprise, book advance reservations here or at one of many restaurants in the resort that offer character dining.

 2. Take a ride on the monorail. Bus trips are long and boring, but the swift monorail transports Disney guests straight into the park. If the kids get tired and cranky after a fun-filled morning in the park, the monorail can help you get them back to the hotel and down for a nap quickly. Since the monorail operates all day long, you can easily hop back on and return to the park after the kids have rested for a couple hours.

 3. Enjoy a ferry ride between the Magic Kingdom and Epcot Center. The trip is more relaxing and interesting than a bus ride, and the ferry will transport you straight into either park so that you can avoid lines and congestion upon entry.

4. Don’t forget the stroller. If you can’t bring your own, Disney has them available for rent, along with toddler-friendly amenities to make your visit as pleasant as possible. Air conditioned baby care centers in each of the Disney parks offer rocking chairs for calming upset little ones, a place to get out of the heat if your child needs it and basic necessities such as diapers for unforeseen emergencies.

5. Plan ahead. Before you arrive at the Walt Disney World Resort, amongst some of the top hotels in Orlando, do a little pre-planning and schedule each day for maximum enjoyment and minimum exhaustion. Convenient apps that give approximate wait times for each attraction are available to download on your smart phone.

 Keep in Mind! A FASTPASS can be purchased to allow you and your family to bypass long lines. Do your research beginning several weeks prior to your trip, and let the kids participate in order to build anticipation as they prepare for the most exciting time of their lives.
~Kendra Thornton

Thank you again Kendra for guest blogging today.  All your Disney tips are super helpful and if my readers are anything like me, they are already looking to book their flights and hotels for a family vacation!

Resources:  Kendra Thornton
Image courtesy of:  Kendra Thornton

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mommy Wars

Earlier this week a reader directed me to an article posted on the National Nannies blog. The article, A Mom’s Guide to Balancing Work and Family, was a very good reference for those mothers who have already gone back to work or are getting ready to do so. In reading the article, it reminded me of some of the things I need to work on. One of the things I really need to focus on is carving out some 'me' time. I really hate dropping W off at his Nanny's house when I have a day off, but sometimes it needs done. I took this past Monday off from work and dropped him off. While he was there I was able to check so many things off my to-do list. My biggest achievement was scrubbing down the kitchen. I'm talking about a move the refrigerator and stove and clean behind them type of clean that takes a few hours. It felt so good to get that deep cleaning in both my kitchen and first floor bathroom. I'm already contemplating taking another day off in the near future to do the same to my living room, bedroom and upstairs bathrooms. I also need to work on the mommy guilt. Some days I feel so guilty dropping him off, but I really need to remind myself why I do it. I do it so he can have a roof over his head and all the financial security we need when it comes to raising a child. I've mentioned it before, but I really think the guilt is at its worst during the work week when our quality time together is at an all time low. I highly recommend other working parents take a look at it. I want to thank Carol Watson for sending me the link. Have a great weekend everyone! Click To Vote For Us @ Top Mommy Blogs. A Ranked & Rated Directory Of The Most Poular Mom Blogs

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Operation MILF: Slim Thighs in 7 Days

You know those bazillion of work-out ideas you pin on Pinterest and never look at again? I started pinning to my 'Operation MILF' board when I was pregnant with my son almost two years ago, but I don't think I ever actually read or put one of those pins into action. I finally started going through my MILF board and today I tried one of my pins when I went to the gym at lunch. This pin was Slimmer Thighs in 7 Days. After three of the exercises I felt the burn! I was not coordinated for two of the exercises, but I tried my best (and looked like an idiot). If you decide to try these moves beware of the Crescent Kicks and Slim Skater (you will look like a fool). My goal is to try this workout for two weeks and then see if I actually see results. One pin on my MILF board down, 57 to go (until I see something else I just have to pin to that board).

Click To Vote For Us @ Top Mommy Blogs. A Ranked & Rated Directory Of The Most Poular Mom Blogs

Monday, February 11, 2013

Quickest meal yet!

It will haven taken me longer to write this blog than it did to make dinner yesterday. This is perhaps the easiest quickest meal I've made yet. Yesterday morning I pulled out my mini slow cooker and found some meatballs in the freezer. I took the meatballs and added them to the slow cooker with some pasta sauce then I let it cook on low all day. It does not get much easier than that. PLUS that gives me at least two different meal options. My husband opted for a meatball sub and W had meatballs and pasta. Here's what my little guys dinner looked like last night.
Meatballs, wholewheat pasta, cucumber, tomato and some homemade apple sauce (also made in the slow cooker on Saturday). YUM!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunny Sunday

I am so sick of all this snow and cold weather.  I REALLY need a few nice warm days and sunshine.  Preferably on a beach while W plays in the sand.  I know that is not happening anytime soon so to get myself out of this winter funk I'm going to start posting Sunny Sundays and each Sunday share some beautiful sunny place I would love to be at this very moment.

If any other bloggers are interested in joining me on Sunny Sunday please leave a link to your blog below and I will add you to the post.

This Sunday I propose a visit to the French Countryside.

 How Sound of Music-esque would feel to run through that beautiful field of flowers?  Seeing that picture I would love to pack a picnic and bottle of wine and cloud watch all day.  This may sound silly, but I can feel my shoulders relax just thinking about it.

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Night Dinner - Made!

I am a HUGE fan of the slow cooker.  Anytime have the time and ingredients available before work I try to throw something in the slow cooker so dinner is ready be the time I get home.  This morning was one of those lucky mornings.  I had 15 minutes while W was eating breakfast to put something together in cock pot.  Here's what I had:

Two Boneless Pork Chops
Red Potatoes
Frozen Veggies (peas, green beans, carrots, corn, broccoli, cauliflower and squash)

Easy enough.  I put all those into the slow cooker, but now what do I season it with?  I always keep packets of onion soup mix on hand, but I just wasn't feeling onion soup flavor today.  When I reached way back in my spice cabinet what did I find?

 Some spices for the grille.  It smelled really good so I hope my meal turns out yummy!  Dinner is one thing I can cross of my list tonight.


Thursday, February 7, 2013


Let me preface this all by saying before I had my son I had no problem making a quick run into a store and it really didn't bother me to get out of my car to run errands, but now with a baby I really think everyone should have a drive-thru.  I would probably be contributing a lot more to our economy if I didn't have to get out of my car to shop. 

Since having W, my shopping trips are at least 15-25 minutes longer.  It takes forever to get him in and out of the car.  Each and every time we get out of the car I have to put his shoes and socks back on him then I have to put his jacket on him.  Then when we get back into the car and I am struggling with my bags, my purse and a toddler who will wiggle, plank and twist in order to try and get out of being strapped in.  I swear I break a sweat putting him in his seat.  If you add rain or snow into the equation and this already hectic pit stop has turned into pure hell!

Once we make it into the store I always feel like I am in a rush to get what I need and get out.  I think it is worst during the work week because we are already so limited on the time we have together after work.  We typically arrive home between 5:45 and 6pm, but add in a quick trip to Walgreen's and we are not home until 6:30 at the earliest.

Needless to say I have developed a great appreciation for the drive-thru and it is not because I am lazy.  I really believe more places should have drive-thrus.  I LOVE that I can go to Starbucks and get my skinny mocha without leaving my car.  We have a grocery store that offers Vallet Grocery Shopping for a $5 fee which I totally think is worth it.  I've used it a few times and I can place my order online, drive right up to the store and then pay for my order while they load it into my car.  GENIUS! 

Now if there were only a way to get more restaurants, drug stores and stores like Target and TJ Maxx to catch on life would be perfect! How nice would it be to be able to go through a drive-thru to quickly pick up milk and deodorant rather than hulling your kid(s) out of the car? I know it's not really practical, but a girl can dream can't she?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Liebster Award!

I am thrilled to announce that Whispers from a Working Mom has received Liebster Award!  Thank you to both Seriously Kate and For the Love of Kids for bestowing this honor on my blog.

The Liebster Award is given to new upcoming bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers and passed along to other bloggers who meet the same criteria.

Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag backs.

Now lets get started. 

Eleven Random Facts: 
  1. I LOVE Cheese on just about everything.  For me a meal isn't complete without cheese.
  2. I know I need to wear Spanx and I do, but I wait until the last possible minute to put them on.  For example, I will sit in my office all day and about 5 minutes before I leave for a meeting or event I will put my Spanx on then take them off immediately after my meeting is over.
  3. I have a box of shoes under my desk.  It's not just a small box either.  I'd say there are about 15 pair of shoes in there.  I'm terrified to take them home because I know my husband will just get on my case about donating some of my shoes, but I seriously cannot part with them.
  4. Ever since I had my son I cannot stand eating meat or to touch raw meat.  It makes me sick to my stomach.
  5. Our dog was born on the night my husband and I got engaged.  That was probably the ONLY reason he agreed to getting a dog.
  6. I love trashy reality TV and I really miss watching Rock of Love on VH1.
  7. I love listening to books on tape on long car rides.  I have been known to ignore phone calls in the middle of a car ride just so I can keep listening to my book.
  8. I have not stayed up until midnight on New Years Eve in years.  Probably not since my husband and I dated.  (I know I'm a party pooper)
  9. I prefer getting a french manicure on my toes to color.  I feel like the french lasts longer and you cannot tell when it is chipped.
  10. I really want a minivan.  I just bought a new car last year and I keep trying to convince my husband (his car is only going to last another year if we are lucky) to get a minivan, but he's soooo not into it.
  11. I really like trying new makeup products.  I have been known to go a little overboard while shopping at Sephora / Ulta on makeup products that I only use a couple of times because I like the packaging.

Eleven Questions from Kate

1. What inspired you to begin blogging?
While I was on the road one day I felt like I had a story to tell to other working moms out there and so I thought the best way to do so would be through a blog.

2. If you had to watch the same movie over and over for a day, which would it be?
Lady and the Tramp

3. Do you prefer living in the city, the country, or somewhere in between?
I lived in the city in college and at this point I really like the suburbs. 

4. If you could choose any profession, meaning you'd have the skillset required and money was not a deciding factor, what would you do?
I love the job I have right now, but I could also see myself teaching.

5. How is your driving? Are you aggressive behind the wheel or are you patient and generous? Have you gotten any speeding tickets???
Knock on wood, I'd say I'm a decent driver.  I try not to be too aggressive, but catch me when I'm PMS'ing and that's a different story.  I was pulled over twice for speeding, but let go with a minor fine (disobeying a traffic sign).

6. What life lesson do you find yourself having to learn over and over again?
I need to quit rushing things and wait for them to happen.  Looking back I wish my teens / early twenties had gone slower.

7. Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?

8. Do you have a favorite Bible verse? If so, what is it?
Matthew 7:12 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

9. Which do you prefer - physical books or e-books?
If you would have asked me this a year ago I would have told you physical books, but now e-books.  I love that I can read at night and not wake anyone up with too much light.

10. What one thing do you absolutely not leave home without?
My son, purse, chap stick and a hairband.

11. What one thing scares you the most?
Losing someone I love.

Since I was nominated twice, here are Eleven Questions from For the Love of Kids
1. How do you define yourself as a person?
Loving, caring and get down to business attitude
2. Why do you blog?

See question 1 from Kate
3. What is your greatest pet peeve?

Cracking knuckles, neck ect..
4. What do you treasure most in your life?

My son
5. What is your short term and long term goal?

To be a loving mother, wife and eventually grandmother
6. Who is your role model?

My dad
7. What is your favorite movie of all times and why?

Probably Lady and the Tramp
8. With which color in the rainbow, you identify yourself with and why?

 Green.  I think green is often an overlooked color, but it is also full of life and vibrance.
9. Do you like to socialize a lot and be in a wider world or are you comfortable with few friends/ no friends and a small world?

I enjoy my few friends and smaller circle.  Sometimes I feel larger circles can cause a lot of idol gossip and drama.
10. What is your religion?

11. Define 'Love' 

Wow, that's a toughie.  I would say love is the feeling of unconditional affection to someone or something.  The feeling you cannot survive without it and something you hold so near and dear to your heart being without it would break your spirit.

NOW here are the blogs I nominate:

Mrs. Mama 
Baby Teems
Ruby Tiara Diaries
Tiny Feet Big Heart
Happy Kids Inc
Navigate this Life of Mine
Fear No More ... A Day in the Life Of...
Simply at Home Mom
Wonderful Creations
 Sand in my Toes
The Nardiello Family

And the questions:
  1. How long have you been blogging?
  2. What is your favorite shampoo?
  3. Name a song that reminds you of high school?
  4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
  5. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
  6. How do you relax?
  7. If you had an extra hour in the day what would you do?
  8. What is your all time favorite Christmas gift?
  9. If price weren't an option, what would your dream car be?
  10. What is your favorite book?
  11. When was the last time you did a shot of alcohol?  With who?

Friday, February 1, 2013

What a week!

WOW.  This has been one heck of a week!  I'm surprised I have time to breathe.  I ended up working 10-12 hours almost every day this week.  Then yesterday my tooth was throbbing so I made a dentist appointment and can you guess how I got to end my week?  If you guessed by a root canal you are correct! 

I went to the dentist this morning in hopes that they would be able to replace a loose filling, but it turns out the tooth was beyond repair.  My dentist took out the nerves in the tooth this morning and cleaned it, but she didn't have time to finish the canal, so I go back on Thursday so she can finish.  The nova-cane wore off about an hour ago and I'm on Tylenol now.  Thankfully that seems to be doing the trick.  It just feels very itchy under the tooth.   I cannot wait to have this all behind me. 

Hopefully I'll have time to write a quick post tomorrow on the yummy ranch pork chops I'm making my son for dinner tonight.  They smelled so good in the slow cooker!